How Do Micronutrients Gear You Up Your Workout?

If you are new to workout, you must have come across balancing your plate smartly for a shredded build or just to stay fit. Lots of talks have been there about protein, fats, and fiber, but micronutrients like multivitamins and minerals often go unnoticed.

Micronutrients play a major role in pushing you towards your goal with the best workout sessions all the time. If you are on a mission to ramp up your fitness game, you’ve come to the right place.

Role and Benefits of Micronutrients to Fuel Your Body

Do you give your body the essential nutrients it needs the way you sweat it out during a workout? It is quite easy to overlook small factors when you have bigger goals, but these secretly help you build your body the right way. Here is a closer look of the role and benefits of micronutrients to improve your workout performance:

Vitamin C

    Vitamin C functions to produce collagen in your body, which helps tissue repair. After an intense workout, you definitely want to recover faster, this vitamin C can support that. Adding foods like strawberries, oranges, broccoli, and bell peppers to your plate can boost this vitamin intake. You can add any of these to each meal.

    B Vitamins

      B vitamins entail multiple groups like B6, B12, and folate, which are crucial to producing the energy you need to hit more reps. These vitamins help convert food into energy, and you can maximize your performance. Eggs, leafy greens, and whole grains are some of their great sources.

      Vitamin D

        This is also referred to as ‘sunshine vitamin’ as you can take it from sunlight, which takes care of your bones and immune health. If you have limited or no exposure to sunlight, you need to increase it depending on your skin condition. Otherwise, you can resort to supplements to meet these vitamin’s requirements in your body.


          To transport oxygen in your body, you need enough iron. It is also effective for endurance. It is very common to feel fatigued during your workout, but if it increases, check your iron level on time. You should incorporate spinach, beans, and lean meats to your diet to increase its intake.


            You must have heard since childhood that calcium is important for your bone health. These help you in smooth joint movement and lift heavy weights. To increase calcium levels in your body, you can add leafy greens, milk, soya beans, and nuts to your diet.


              This mineral is a major supporter of better muscle functioning and energy production. You also need magnesium to reduce muscle cramps and soreness after hitting your PRs. Soy products, nuts, and legumes are some of the best sources to meet the requirements of your body.

              Fatty Acids

                Fatty acids are needed in your body to reduce muscle inflammation and promote protein synthesis. Proper intake of omega 3s allows you to avoid muscle fatigue that can halt your progression. Salmon, flax seeds, walnuts, and chia seeds are some wonderful sources for maintaining your intake of fatty acids. You can also make omega 3 fatty acid capsules as a part of your routine.

                Summing Up

                When looking at the larger picture of building a good physique, we often forget to add micronutrients to our diet. This can be a major mistake. Micronutrients fuel your body in disguise. From minerals to vitamins, each one has its role in building and recovering your muscles for sustainable bodybuilding.

                Eggs, milk, soya beans, nuts, spinach, and salmon are great micronutrients sources. If you are taking any supplements, ensure to talk to a doctor.

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